To protect and improve working conditions for the socio-economic well-being of New Brunswick Teachers
Service Integrity Solidarity Equity
Pillars & Priorities
Needs’ Assessments Information Valorization Public Relations Collaboration
Negotiation Dissemination Application
Organizational Efficiency
Governance Resources Communication
The NBTF is dedicated to advise and assist its members, and to protect the working conditions of the teaching profession by negotiating improvements to teachers’ social and economical well-being.
The Federation has two major mandates. The first is to represent all New Brunswick active and supply teachers in the negotiation and application of the Collective Agreement with the Board of Management. The application of the Collective Agreement includes the presentation of grievances, and employee-Employer relations with the Board of Management, School Districts, and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
The Federation is also responsible for pensions and teacher certification, although the two Associations (NBTA and AEFNB) do the actual work in those two areas. In addition, it provides its members with services in the areas of group insurance and employee assistance programs. The Federation is a bilingual organization; therefore, all services are offered to members in the language of their choice.
The NBTF has Finance Policies that govern all other expenses related to other services, building management, equipment and supplies.