
New Brunswick Teachers’ Association

The New Brunswick Teachers’ Association is the Anglophone professional teacher organization in New Brunswick. It represents approximately 5200 full-time contract teachers and several hundred supply teachers (casual members).

  • It promotes and advances the cause of public education in New Brunswick and the necessity of maintaining quality educational services.
  • It subsidizes and regulates NBTA branches across the Province and Elementary, Middle Level and High School Councils.
  • It cooperates with the NBTF in the promotion of the interests of the teaching profession in the fields of salary and working conditions, certification and pension.
  • It also works with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and other public organizations, societies and institutions in support of a quality public education system.

Association des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick

The Association des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick represents, in all categories, almost 3,000 active members. 

  • The AEFNB aspires to optimal learning and teaching conditions in French language.
  • The AEFNB encourages the French education system,  represents the interests of the teaching profession, and promotes the French language and culture.
  • The fundamental values of AEFNB are based on professionalism, democracy, solidarity, collegiality and accountability.  

CTF - Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Founded in 1920, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) is a national alliance of provincial and territorial teacher organizations that represent nearly 232,000 elementary and secondary school teachers across Canada. CTF is also a member of the international body of teachers, Education International.

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

The mission for New Brunswick public schools is to have each student develop the attributes needed to be a lifelong learner, to achieve personal fulfillment and to contribute to a productive, just and democratic society.