After two years of living in the shadow of a pandemic, all restrictions are being lifted this week, which results in various reactions from our members. Some feel like they are able to live or breath again, while others are confused or feel disoriented at the idea of returning to “a normal life” too quickly, even though this change was expected and hoped for.
This feeling is quite normal and shows that we had succeeded in creating new reference points for ourselves and had become used to the reality imposed by this pandemic.
A disruption in our habits and behaviors can cause stress or anxiety. It becomes more difficult to anticipate; we no longer know what to expect. This uncertainty is managed differently from one individual to another.
How to manage stress? Acknowledge that the situation is stressful
Allow yourself some time to adapt
Take your mind off the situation by doing something you enjoy
Talk about the positive aspects of the situation
Be kind to yourself and others
If your stress increases or persists beyond two weeks, it may be helpful to seek support form a health care professional.
Furthermore, the recent events in Ukraine may be a source of concern and discomfort for you or your loved ones. Our partner, Homewood Health, has listed suggestions to help members better understand their reactions and offers advice on strategies to reduce stress.
Experiencing a Traumatic Event: recovery and coping strategies
Need more information or assistance? Homewood Client Services Representatives are ready to speak with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
All calls are completely confidential.
1 800 663-1142
Your Group Benefits: Dental Care
Dental fees are reimbursed if prescribed by a doctor or a dentist. Since January 1st, 2022, dental fees are calculated according to the 2022 Dental Fee Guide proposed by the New Brunswick Dental Society. Dental procedure codes are required to determine eligibility.
In order to not exceed the 20% copayment, ask your dentist if he or she complies with the 2022 Dental Fee Guide.
As of January 1st, 2022, orthodontic treatment expenses are covered at 50%, up to a lifetime maximum of $5,000 per person enrolled in the dental insurance plan.
Retired teachers, participants in one of the Group Insurance Plans, are invited to submit their application to sit as a trustee of the NBTF Group Insurance Plan.
Please click here for more details.
Deadline: April 30, 2022