
FAQ about the Mobility of GNB Workforce

Abs 2019 Ncov Virus Hologram

Updated: May 7 at 9:00 am

In the event of a shortage of workers due to a possible outbreak of COVID-19 in a particular sector, employees may be asked to work in another sector of government. This measure impacts all unionized and non-unionized employees in the province of New Brunswick.
We understand that you may have several questions on this matter and we are committed to answer them.
Please note that the Mobility Agreement has been extended up to and including May 31, 2020. All provisions under this agreement remain the same.

The employer will proceed as follows:

  1. Employee in the same bargaining unit
  2. Retired employees
  3. Casual employees
  4. Employees of a different bargaining unit

Note: Employees will be reassigned based on their expertise and not according to the employment category.

This question is currently being discussed and more information will be provided at a future point in time.

You will be notified by call or email. Please ensure your supervisor has your updated contact information. If you are notified that you are to be deployed, please contact the NBTF at

Employees retain the right to refuse unsafe work based on the grounds included in occupational health and safety legislation.

The NBTF is still waiting for additional information regarding the vulnerable population (pregnant women, employees with underlying medical conditions, and employees with a compromised immune system).

If you believe that the work will endanger your health or safety. The employee will have to provide supporting information and the request will be evaluated by WorkSafe NB.

*Teachers who receive a deployment request but who don’t have access to an essential daycare, will not have to report to an on-site location. However, like all employees who are currently being paid, the teacher must remain available to work from home.
**If you are sick and are not available to work, you have to advise your immediate supervisor.
***Under the collective agreement, teachers are continuing to receive their regular salary and benefits. If a teacher is unable to accept a deployment request due to reasons noted above, the teacher will continue to receive their regular salary and benefits.

If you are already doing essential functions, you will not be reassigned.

You will be provided all necessary information upon your assignment.

If needed, training and orientation regarding the process and requirements of your new tasks will be provided. If you are asked to use materials, products or personal protective equipment in the context of your tasks, you will receive the required training.

You will continue to receive your regular rate of pay unless your deployment assignment pays substantially more in accordance with the workforce mobility agreement signed with your union. You will not be paid less than your current rate of pay during any deployment.

If your family member is at high risk and you are asked to report to another workplace, please contact the NBTF directly. A staff member will be able to contact the employer on your behalf to discuss the situation.

No, teachers will not be reassigned since they need to continue their teaching assignments.

No, teachers will not be expected to work more than 195 days as per the Collective Agreement.

If this FAQ does not answer your question, please do not hesitate to contact the NBTF by email at
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